As a storyteller here on medium, I love these hybrid essays where we get both a story and actionable content.

I'd love to see next month's plan written out in a shared Google doc. Or sheet?

What are your specific goals, and what are the process kpis?

I did the exact same thing, wanted to do 30 posts this month and was crushed by how unprepared I was.

Posted 4 great articles, got my first medium publisher to accept a piece. Have 1 waiting in submission at the writing cooperative.

Have 1 that needs to find a home because it's too good to just be posted by me. 😅😁

And 2 drafts that aren't good enough to be posted just by me.

Keep documenting your writing journey. We learn with you.

Daniel Andrew Boyd
Daniel Andrew Boyd

Written by Daniel Andrew Boyd

Nice to internet meet you. | Named after an Irish ballad, destined to spit yarn & listen to you with delight. Subscribe & I'll email you a storytelling guide!

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