As a writer who writes everyday, you're misunderstanding the advice and going about it incorrectly.
All of your complaints should and can be corrected for. Those days you don't feel inspired to write or days you sit staring at a blinking cursor in agony.
You find ways to overcome that and still write your best work. Write your best work because of the struggle.
You do not need rest days from writing.
If anyone wants a thorough breakdown of how to overcome these minor roadblocks so you can be consistent 100% of the time and reduce those blocked days to 0 feel free to email me.
Do you want to write everyday? Is that the kind of writer you want to be? Do you want a fire in your belly professionalism?
If yes, you can have it.
If no, sure! Wait for the muse. That's fine.
But each method is a sacrifice. Each method has a cost and an outcome. For me, every writer I love most, has a daily writing habit they built over time and they keep their writing time sacred.