Do you feel like you were naive? Or you were tricked because someone told you they'd had a good experience?
The tone is a little unclear to me.
At one point, you talk about how this experience soured you on men. And this is a little NOT ALL MEN.
But... I'm not hanging out at strip clubs and generalizing that behavior on all women. If you go to a prison for violent criminals, you're going to hear some stories.
If you hang out at the dog park, it's a different demographic of dude.
I've dated a handful of women who did the sugar thing. They had complicated experiences not dissimilar to yours. (Though they were better at vetting early than you seemed to be.)
I was interested and engaged with the writing. Just a little confused on the take aways... and the tone. Also, I want to say, there are a handful of self righteous and pretty mean comments.
Therapy is good for everyone. But telling people to get a therapist is some bullshit. I'm sorry for the intense comments you get occasionally. It's not appropriate.
You're just sharing your story. It's a gift. You're sharing stuff most people keep secret. So thanks, for going out of your way to educate and entertain.