I lie about my age on dating apps.
Nobody who hasn't met me in person deserves to know my personal info. And if a woman cares I tell her she can go through my wallet when I'm not looking. I violated a norm and she can violate one back.
I tell people I lie about 3 things. I lie about my age, I lie to my mom about ever having had sex, and I lie to cops to get out of trouble I don't think I deserve.
The consent you're talking about isn't sex. It's consent to start a conversation or have lunch. Once you meet the person if you decided you loved and cared for them enough you wanted to progress to that level of deep connection, I would hope age wouldn't be a deal breaker. And you knew them well enough it'd been revealed.
I started lieing about my age because good people who are compatible with me are ageist. And if they meet me they get over their bigoted beliefs. This was 1st brought to my attention by a woman who lied about her age and told me a number of heartbreaking stories about men who left her when they found out how old she was. Men who loved her deeply.
It sucked and it was wrong. And I decided no one should get to know my age.
Think about any other bigotry you might have, if a man lied about being black or Asian. And then you wrote about how talking to him online was a consent violation? It comes from the same sort of bigotry.
Imo everyone is better off if age is secret. Our society is so screwed up around age and race.
But one thing you can do to avoid people like me who hide their age is you can ask them. People are less likely to lie to you than to a platform.
I hope you find someone who is right for you. I'm obviously not a guy you'd want to date but... I respect your opinion.
I don't know my significant other's age. Her other bf thinks she's much younger than she is and... Sometimes she worries he will find out and be upset. They've been together over 8 years.
I always tell people on the 1st date that I lie about my age. A couple women have cared enough to go through my wallet but very few.
Two women cried. And I was like... Listen, I bought you lunch. This can't be that devastating. The last 30 minutes you were so happy. And they were both like, "I thought we... I know this is dumb... But I thought maybe you were the one! But you aren't 30 so I can't." So you aren't alone, in how strongly you feel. But in my experience negative reactions are rare.
I know a woman who dumped a guy who told her he was 50 and he was 72. And I have to admit, that did persuade me... That's like... She was 40s I think, so it's like... He's got maybe less than 10 years left. That's a real issue. 72 is a slew of health issues around the corner no matter how fit and young you look.
So idk... There's a line for me somewhere. But... I'd date a 72 year old woman if she wanted to date a guy who said he was 30😅
Lots to think about. We all have our rules we try to follow and get others to follow.