One of the things that drives me nuts about these red pill takes is that if you think about them for 2 seconds they are incompatible and don't make sense on their own.
I want a trad wife.
If she doesn't fuck me on date 2 I dump her.
I want to follow my religion... I also want 100 girlfriends.
Nobody wants a trad wife. They suck. They have crazy expectations of you, are boring hypocrites and you wouldn't trust them with your neighbor's kids let alone yours.
Meanwhile Sociopaths break up with people for not putting out. Like... It's amazing how these meme lords can hold opposing and incompatible ideologies that are both equally wrong/stupid.
It's like they find clocks stuck at -3 and 29.
But they say it with such conviction on the Internet.
Meanwhile... I suspect exactly what you're saying, in real life they act and talk completely differently. It's an online game.
I'm glad I see it much less here on medium than tiktok etc.