Yes, 100%
It's necessary but not everything seems to be the article's conclusion. For me, I got that's what you were saying in the end. I just came into it, expecting something else due to how I was interpreting the title.
As to do this... Here's what I've found in my own writing.
When you write everyday, you can get into a groove where you don't work on improving. Taking the sports metaphor, if you run at 80% of your capacity 100% of the time, you never improve your max speed.
But if you run 80% capacity 80% of the time and twice a week go 100% that's been shown to be the optimal for speed growth.
You can't just write. You also need to be trying to write more interesting things, and get clearer and clearer. Maybe that means getting a writer's group, a coach, or take classes. But it definitely means taking time to reflect on what's working and doubling down on the winners.
The other thing people miss, is commenting on other's work. This discussion we've had, for me, feels productive. We both got clearer, and hopefully it will pop in our writing in the future.
I bring this up in part because I see a lot of people on medium say, "Comment on 15 posts everyday to grow."
But it's not simply commenting. It has to do with how you're engaging. It isn't the character length, it's not the sincerity, it's about commenting to truly start dialogs and to grow both the person you're reading and yourself.
It sort of parallels what you were saying in this article. It's not about volume but it's volume along with quality and intention.
Cheers back at you.